Quarantine Stories

Online Storytelling Project | 2020

In 1348 in the wake of the Black Death in Florence, Italian writer Giovanni Boccacio wrote the Decameron. Ten friends who the Decameron follows escape the plague by finding shelter in a deserted villa in the countryside and spend their days telling amusing stories to keep spirits up.

Quarantine Stories – Fight Fear with Culture is an online storytelling project by Compagnia Raccontamiunastoria (Italy) and its wing The Storytelling Company (UAE) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

An act of free art and resilience by professional Storytellers from around the world, Quarantine Stories is a cultural project to spread hope and positivity in a time of crisis.

The project follows the footsteps of Giovanni Boccacio, Shakespeare, Caravaggio and many other great artists in history who continued to create and keep the fire of culture burning even in the darkest times.

“Quarantines can take a significant toll on mental well-being. Sharing stories is a positive way to keep the gloom at bay. Quarantine Stories, all shot by locked down storytellers in their respective homes, is our way of encouraging the world to overcome fear by tapping into the curative power of stories.”


Project by Compagnia Raccontamiunastoria (Italy) and TCS – The Storytelling Company (UAE)

Storytellers Paola Balbi, Davide Bardi, Germana De Ruvo, Lorenzo Caviglia, Martina Pisciali, Heike Vigl, Ciccio Schembari, Ambra Naspi, Marco Conte Michael Harvey, Guto Davis, Xanthe Gresham, Isabelle Hauder, Caroline Sire, Abbi Patrix, Mariella Bertelli, Sara Kassir, Virginia Kokkinou, Shereen Saif

Other artists Marja Sisko Pohjola, Pauline Down

featured in


The Rumor

Improvised retelling of a Jataka Tale

The Ash Demon and Mohini

Improvised retelling of a story from the Vishnu Purana

Storytellers go online with Quarantine Stories

Corriere Nazionale

C’èilcantastorienella piazza del web

La Stampa

Quarantine Stories: the art of storytelling against loneliness


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