On Normalizing Urban Foraging

On Normalizing Urban Foraging

I am a confessed fridge forager. Rescuing wrinkled tomatoes, limp carrots and saggy beets from the bottom of my crisper and making soup out of these expired edibles makes me feel resourceful. I forage to practice frugality, but mostly to procrastinate a trip to the...
Dance of Homeland

Dance of Homeland

I am a second generation Keralite, a third culture kid, whose parents moved to the UAE to make their fortune. Although they loved this country, my parents always talked about the UAE as a temporary place – we were outsiders and could never fully belong here....
D01NCEs with Robots

D01NCEs with Robots

An idea I had back in 2019. This work-in-progress explores the creative co-existance of robots and humans. Playing on the idea of dance as a metaphor for discovery, negotiation, collaboration and social interactivity, D01NCE is a series of playful performances of...
Star Struck

Star Struck

“I feel the wind on my face, blowing my hair wild.” – Stella from Star Struck This storytelling performance was special for more reasons than one. It was the first offline performance after months of lockdown. Online fatigue had started to set in, compounded by an...
CONNECTED through stories

CONNECTED through stories

What’s the fundamental difference between theatre and storytelling? Some argue that if the telling has a lot of movement and acting then it becomes Theatre. But that in my opinion would be a very horse-with-blinkers-on way of looking at it. I strongly believe that if...