Front Line Monologues

Front Line Monologues

“Front Line Monologues narrate the emotions of those who put their lives on the line as they feel tragic, uncertain, tired, funny, privileged, scared, angry, impatient, hopeful, proud, but most certainly brave.” Dr. E. Vijayakumar, a 67-year old Critical Care...
Wood you or wood you not?

Wood you or wood you not?

The last time you bought a toy for a child, what did you buy? Top picks would probably be stuffed toys, plastic cartoon icons and over stimulating electronic toys because we assume that’s what they’d find cool. But before you know it, they are discarded and end up in...
Ode to the Daily Wage Earner

Ode to the Daily Wage Earner

Dear Daily wage earner, Reminders of your absence are everywhere.In the stains, the creases, the untended yards. In the dried up soil, the dust, the grime… Times are tough so we are tending to these the best we can. But you are missed.For years you have saved us from...
My Meraki

My Meraki

I came across this word about 6 years ago. And it stuck. It is Greek for doing something with soul, creativity and love, so much so that you leave something of yourself, your essence, in your work.This blog is about my many passions. It chronicles my musings on...
Heaven is a place on earth

Heaven is a place on earth

Rumi says, “Don’t turn from yourself. God is with you”. And I ask and what is the way to that God? Love, he says. Love without fear or expectations. This gentle wisdom given to the world by the Sufis is something that Oscar and Grammy winning musical prodigy A. R....